Data Security
- Most of the tax consulting firms are not equipped with handling clients’ data security, since it is very expensive, they all claim they have all the measures to address security breaches in place, but they generally have none of the required measures. Imagine the data threat you face with these tax companies, 30% of our revenues go for data security. Our main aim is to provide accurate tax estimations with high level of tax knowledge with extremely high levels of data security.
- We work hard to protect our client’s data, so that they can rest assured about our data security and privacy measures. As a trusted provider, we are fanatic about learning, implementing, and sharing insights, about new developments in latest technology related to data security. We actively monitor our security systems 24/7 onsite and remotely as well to prevent any data security breaches. We deeply think about security in a 360 Degree Holistic manner that covers all aspects related to data security.

We are glad to let you know below the measures which have been implemented for the safety of our precious client’s data
We have sophisticated firewalls which have been deployed at all external network connections and our firewalls are rigidly configured with a strict policy that all services are accessdenied unless expressly permitted.
We also haveprocesscriteria to evaluate the risk of protocols/ports before implementing them on the firewalls.
Our outgoing traffic is directed through external proxy servers to minimize data risk and leakage. Realtimeloggingis enabled on all firewalls, routers, and proxy servers and we have an authenticated process in place to review the logs regularly.
Our firewall(s) and proxy server(s) are configured on a server-hardened platform, withsecured functionality (for example All unnecessary applications are removed) Access to all firewalls, routers, and proxy servers is highly restricted to only authorized people who need to manage these sensitive network devices.
Our system administrators remotely access the routers/firewalls which are securely authenticated by using one-time passwords, multi-factor authentication, or encrypted login sessions. We have a process in place to ensure ourrouters/firewalls have the latest firmware and software and are patched regularly with the latest security updates from the respective vendors.
VPN remote access has been implemented with a robust personal Firewall system in place and this VPN access to our computers is managed by cloud-basedand hardware-based firewalls.
We do have processes in place to revoke VPN authentication as soon as their project has been completed or theneed to access the VPN resources expires.
Our system development methodology addresses the information security aspect during the discovery and development phases. We do perform a security code review during each phase of software development.
We have separate isolated environments for each of our customers for the development and testing of systems.
We keep backups of business-critical data done which is done daily and have anonline mechanism to verify backups authenticity. We periodically restore information from cloud-based/ data backup tapes to ensure data integrity.
Our backup tapes are kept in an environmentally controlled and restricted area with limited access, and we do not store tapes off-site for data security reasons. We conduct regular comprehensive audits for all the backup tapes in our possession.
By proactively obtainingthe latest security patches and updates and server surface hardening techniqueswe keep our server secure regularuse ofprocesses toidentify the network, application, and OS-based systems vulnerabilities are conducted.
We use automated tools to assess system threat vulnerabilities and have methods and processes in place to simulate DDOS attacks and test server preparedness. We do have a security checklist for each OS deployed at our companyand regularly perform audits (Internal and External) against ourISO-approved security checklists.
Our system security checklists are updated on a regular basis in line with international standards Our applications have superuserprivileges for high-level admin access and use logon banners on all our systems.
A regular audit and review of all super users are conducted and revised periodically. Anti-Virus software running on all our Microsoft Platforms (Servers, Workstations. PC and Laptops) and have also rolled out Anti-Virus Software on all our email serversto prevent virus attacks.
Our Email servers are configured to check all incoming and outgoing emails for viruses, spam, Ransomware, and other malicious threats.
A strong procedure has been established sothat all the servers, user machines, and laptops are configured to automatically install the latest Anti-Virus Definition Files and updates. We do have a mechanism in place to check all FTP inbound and outbound file transfers for viruses.

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